Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spring is for Cercies

Serendipitous joy when my beloveds and I got together for four days of mountain music fun at Merlefest in North Carolina. A High Country Cercie. Photographer extraordinaire Robert McCartney not pictured.

Pride Cercie, when my brother Billy Love decided to host an art show of his recent works, AND entered the Columbia Museum's Young Artist of the Year show, winning the People's Choice award!

Mittagessen Cercie
My German friend Claudia set up a lunch date for me and all my cohorts from the days at Deutsche Telekom in Germany. While I'm in Germany this summer, we will get to have a little reunion. Her email invitation and all the kind responses popped into my inbox last week and made my day. We love Claudia.

We also love when the little people show up at the pool in the summer. Children are naturals - you just never know what Soul Cercies of joy they will bring just by being themselves. One of my friends brings the kids out to the pool, and they just learned to swim. I get to help them practice. The four-year-old whispered to me today before she took off like a little fish, "You are my coach."

I think my friend Brooke is fantastic. I think she is even more fantastic now that she has sent me a real live Power Frau Cercie in the mail. No occasion; just her infinite niceness. She sent a note and a magnet that I immediately stuck on my fridge. It says:
"I'm fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world."

X-Ray Cercie

This is not a new year post. OK, maybe it is. I'm trying to see through the year that just passed; not just reflect, not just proj...