Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Mother of all cercies

The South boasts a long line of cercie creators, whose little bundles of joy have surprised and delighted friends, family, coworkers, customers, clients, caretakers, and fellow creators for generations. But in my mind the Mother of them all is mine - Sandie Love.

Mom has the gift of gifting, an exquisite timing and attention to detail. She has always said that 'presentation is everything,' and she's serious. I used to get 'cercied' often when I was in gradeschool. A little note, a fun napkin, a special drink straw tucked into my Scooby Doo lunch box. My classmates often made fun of me, but even then I knew that was just Cercie Envy. I got cercied all the way through college, too. Even today I'll come home to a fun little package in my mail box for no reason other than to spread a little Cercie Love around.

I say keep the cercies comin' !


Anna said...

I remember witnessing some of your mom's "cercis" at the lunch table at Atlas Road. They were always so special.

I applaud your creativity and the inspiration for your creativity and ingenuity.

I'm so happy you began the first steps of your idea. Good luck!

Amy Love said...

You are part of that inspiration, so be ready. Thanks always for your support. Now let's get your movie review blog set up!!

JV said...

So that's how you spell 'cercie'... I always wondered :)
Welcome to the blogosphere!

Robbin Phillips said...

Welcome to Blogland. I love this post. What a real and inspiring story. OXOXO

Robbin Phillips said...

That is not Tyler, Amy it's Robbin!

Jen said...

brava, my friend! i can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve! will it be online only, or brick & mortar?

wishing you the best!

jen s.

Amy Love said...

Robbin, 'Cercie' as a blog name was taken, so I added a little 'love.' ha.

You know you're the big reason I did this. Thanks for everything. Love Tyler's draw-rings.

Talk to you soon ... I've got some ideas.

Amy Love said...

Thanks, Jen. I don't think brick and mortar. The imagination realm will surely be larger without walls ... i will need you for some Words. You're my Word Woman. And maybe also some Wine when necessary. :-)

X-Ray Cercie

This is not a new year post. OK, maybe it is. I'm trying to see through the year that just passed; not just reflect, not just proj...